The Amazing Spiderman Coloring Pages |
printable spiderman coloring pages for kids |
Amazing Spider-man is by no means a bad movie. It’s well-made, there are comparatively few holes in the plot (although Peter’s free access to classified areas of Oscorp’s labs needed a bit more explaining) and all of the actors do a fine job. Andrew Garfield is maybe a shade too cool to be entirely convincing as Peter Parker, übernerd but it's a solid performance. The 3-D cinematography is glossy, lush and immersive and there are some beautiful action sequences.
Amazing Spider-Man picks up where the movie of the same name leaves off, pitting Spider-Man against the outbreak of a virus that mutates people into vicious genetic hybrids. Peter Parker's fighting on two fronts, too, since he's also got to unhinged scientist Alistair Smythe's dangerous efforts to stop the plague by unleashing lethal robots across the city. You get a lot of snappy patter in the game's dialogue but voicework doesn't really stand out as anything special. A few moments in the plot stand out with regard to Peter's relationship with girlfriend Gwen Stacy but main villain Smythe doesn't make much of an impression.
Amazing spider-man was a good film. It was actually a very entertaining movie. It is much more fun, and dare I say a better game.
The Amazing Spider-Man has some good ideas in this direction. In some ways, it improves on the previous trilogy. With caveats, I generally like Andrew Garfield's darker, more ironic take on Peter; it isn't especially my conception of the character, but it could reasonably be someone's conception. The awkward flirtation between Peter and Gwen Stacy (Emma Stone) is more emotionally fraught than the shallow romanticism with MJ in Raimi's trilogy.
The Amazing Spider-Man is like familiar sex with someone you used to date. The best part about it is its chance of surprising you; the worst part is its predictability. By pretending the Sam Raimi films never happened, director Marc Webb and his screenwriters waste precious screen time with exposition that feels like half-hearted foreplay. Once the action gets into gear and Spidey flings himself around Manhattan, Webb proves he knows how to craft an action sequence while preserving physical heft. There are some new moves, but not enough to stave off a feeling of disappointment.
The Amazing Spider-Man includes some of these key markers, from Peter's brains and outcast status to Ben Parker's murder. Yet Peter's response to his uncle's murder — the key turning point in the character's development — is completely wrong. Instead of blaming himself, or resolving to use his powers to protect others, he directs all his wrath against the murderer, leading to an extended manhunt as Peter tracks down thugs who fit the general description of his uncle's killer while showing no interest in other criminals.